Tsaker Daniel's world
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Wednesday 27 August 2014
Monday 28 July 2014
Bible toasting
Bible toaster
Boy: Do you have a boyfriend?
GIRL: Nope. I don't want to have a
BOY: Gen. 2:18 The Lord God said, “It is not
good for the man to be alone. I will
make a helper suitable for him.”
GIRL: But I don't love you.
BOY: 1 John 4:8 "Whoever does not love
not know God, because God is
GIRL: And how do I know you mean those
BOY: Matthew 12:34b " For out of the
of the heart the mouth speaks."
GIRL: But how can I be sure that you're loyal
BOY: Mark 13:31 "Heaven and earth will pass
away, but my words will never pass
GIRL: But why me? There are a lot of girls
BOY: Proverbs 31:29 "Many women do noble
things, but you surpass them all."
GIRL: But what is in me that you like?
BOY: Song of Solomon 4:7 "You are
beautiful, my darling; there is no
flaw in you."
GIRL: But I'm not all that beautiful...you're
BOY: Proverbs 31:30 "Charm is deceptive,
beauty is fleeting; but a woman
who fears the Lord is to be praised."
GIRL: What happens if I say yes.
BOY: Genesis 2:24 "Therefore man shall
his father and his mother and hold
fast to his wife, and they shall become one
GIRL: How come you know the scriptures this
BOY:Joshua 1:8 " This book of the Law shall
not depart from your mouth, but
you shall meditate on it day and night, so
you may be careful to do all that
is written in it. For then you will make your
prosperous and you will have
good success."
GIRL: wooow, I can see u really love God.
BOY: Psalm 34:8 "Oh, taste and see that the
Lord is good! Blessed is the man
who takes refuge in Him.
GIRL: mmm. Ok please give me time to think
about it.
BOY: Philippians 4:8 "Finally brethren,
is true, whatever is honourable,
whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever
lovely, whatever is commendable, if
there is any excellence, if there is anything
worthy of praise, think about these
GIRL: owwww I love you already
BOY: Revelation 22:21b "Amen!
Having a great day
Configure your day with Joy.
today say and do something good to atleast 10 people.
Take time to laugh and smile with people.
Rejoice in your heart and nothing shall hinder your great day.
Before you go out, pray and write down your to do list today and work towards attaining those list.
Believe nothing is impossible.
Find something good out of every bad situation and prevail on good things only.
See the best in people.
Don't forget that whatever is hanging above you is still under your God's feet.
This is your day don't let anyone ruin it.
Guard your Joy.
Good day...
Friday 11 July 2014
Massive Change Requires Flexible Technology
If the Internet had been thus hampered by regulation and commercial interests, it is doubtful that it would have developed the wide acceptance it currently enjoys. The openness of the Internet meant that anyone could afford to get involved. So, everyone did. The tens of thousands of minds that collaborated on the creation of the Internet delivered something that no corporation ever could have.
Wednesday 2 July 2014
How do i change my facebook name?
How do I change my name?
To change your name:
1. Scroll to the bottom of any page and click
Settings & Privacy
2. Click General > Name
3. Edit your name and click Save
Please keep in mind:
To help make sure that everyone uses their real
name, you can only change your name every 60
Saturday 28 June 2014
Religious cancer
Religion builds many churches, schools, hospitals and planes but fail to feed the
they preach grace but the law is what they practice.
they look nice and holy on the outside but the heart is dirty.
choristers be like praise the lord why not tell us how you addicted to ponorgraphy
gossip and strife.
religion builds standard they don't keep
religious people boast in their do's and dont's
Jesus never attacked no one but religious people
His main opposition wasn't the devil but this Hippocrates called religious freaks
i got a word for you Breed of vipers
The church is not a museum for good people but a hospital for the broken.
my weakness qualifies me for God's Grace
for His strength is made perfect in weakness
hiding your sin and failure to point fingers at me changes nothing. remember its not
about me but all about him.
they called my Lord glutton and drunkard. Jesus never support self righteousness so
cast the first stone but be without sin.
self righteousness infects u through the laws But God's Grace made us righteous
through Jesus.
quite trying to please men accept Christ who pleased God for US.
religion says Do but Jesus Christ says DONE (its finished )
religion says slave Jesus says Son.
religion puts you in bondage but Jesus sets you free.
religion is Man searching for God but Christianity is God in man.
He said father forgive them for they know not what they do. when He suffered on
that cross He was thinking of you
He took all your sins and buried them in a tomb,
yeah all past present and future. but religion says some.
Jesus Christ didn't come to reestablish a religion but to put an end to it.
i hate religion, its disgusting and Repugnant .
religious people, i dislike you too.
all religious people have a cancer and its called religion.
Doro naija
Nigeria don nearly Doroscatter, everywhere is
Dorobombing, over 200 Dorogirls are
Doromissing & yet we re singing Dorobucci. Let
us Doropray b4 things Doroworsen........So my
Doropeople ve a nice Doroday & be Dorovigilant
if u don't want 2 Dorodie. This is nt Dorofunny
ooooO. Pls Doroshare, if u Dorolike it
Friday 27 June 2014
Use me
My entirety lives to worship you.
Am available for you.
Use me to feed the poor,
To heal the sick,
Lead the lost,
Give to the needy
To father the orphans,
To take care of the widows,
To help the helpless,
To bring hope to the hopeless
Joy to the sorrowful.
Use me, i give myself for them all...
This is my desire Lord.
Use me Jesus.
Sunday 22 June 2014
What would you do?
A friend shared his story, he said...
See wetin happen to me oh. I dey this bus wey
dey go maiduguri. As we were waiting for the
bus to laod, I
noticed one Aboki sitting behind the driver's seat
holding a big bag and sweating. The guy was so
uneasy, shifting from side to side on his seat,
wiping sweat from his face.
Hmmm, at this point I no know wetin I go think,
could this be.....,well no need to jump into
conclusions yet. now he started to look
around,as if he is trying to access his
enviroment, he would look around and look at
his watch,look again and checK his watch, and
them all of a sudden place the bag under his
seat,jumped down and started walking very fast
away from the bus. omo,na that time I realise
say no be only me they look this Aboki man, as
him jump down, everybody scatter, me self jamp
down go far place.
Every single passenger abandon the bus. 5 mins
later, we see the Aboki man coming back to the
bus with tissue paper in his hands wondering
where everybody went. but to be sincere, if na u
wetin u for do? Talk ur mind oh!